Thursday, August 27, 2009

Smile Today

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

-Phyllis Diller

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gentlemen Make Us Smile

Driving home from the office yesterday I saw something that made my heart smile, it was a little something, but it made a big impact on my day. As most of you, my days are busy, rushing from work to the gym, home to make dinner, clean the kitchen, do the laundry, family time, clean up a little bit, bedtime... ready to do it all over again in the morning. In the middle of the rush, I was so happy to see something good, something to make my heart flutter and breathe.

Driving down the street I was approaching two cyclists. As I got closer I noticed it was a man and a woman. Trying to give them space on the shoulder I began to swerve over into the other lane, just as I passed them I noticed the man was riding right behind the woman.. let's say she is his wife :). Not only was he right behind her, but he was also 1-2 feet into my lane. As I passed them I noticed he kept his position, right behind her, jutting out just a bit. I kept looking back in my rear view mirror... he kept his position as long as I could see.

What I realized was that he was riding right behind her, jutting out to protect her. I am sure we all know a cyclist who has been hit by a car... the roads are tight out there. It made my heart smile to see his manly instincts take over, and protect her from potential danger. He was being a gentleman.

Guys, chivalry is not dead. Yes, time have changed a lot. Women don't need men to get along these days. But it is sure nice to know there are men out there who aren't afraid of being a man. Thanks to all the men who open doors, walk on the correct side of their woman, open tight lids, carry heavy boxes, and just be gentlemen. You make us smile!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Funny Story!

Another good story found in "Chicken Soup for the Soul."

The Secret

As a student in dental school, it often seemed to me the main focus was on fulfilling requirements necessary for graduation. We had to complete a certain number of bridges, crowns, root canals, amalgams, composites, dentures, etc. to qualify. One of the requirements was to complete restorations on children in the pediatric clinic. For me, it was hard enough to satisfactorily complete a filling on an adult, let alone a squirmy child.

One particular afternoon, I had to complete a filling on a rather rambunctious six-year-old. I'd worked on him before and had acheived marginal success in gaining his cooperation. It goes without saying that I was probably more apprehensive than he was about his appointment.

I was surprised when I went to the waiting area to find a sedate, almost depressed, young man. As I sat him in the dental chair , I inquired as to why he was so sad. He informed me he had lost a footrace at school- to a GIRL! While I comforted him on his courages attempt to race- and not to mention the fact that he had lost- I noticed he had his left shoe on his right foot and his right shoe on his left foot. Not to pass up an opportunity, I promised to tell him a "secret" at the end of the appointment on how he could run faster if we finished the filling without a lot of fuss. Anticipating some miraculous words of advice, he promised to cooperate.

We must have finished in record time. The boy was a perfect oatient and I was delighted at what we were able to accomplish. Glowing in my performance, I temorarily forgot about the "secret." My patient, however was not about to forget. Eyes full of hope, he reminded me of my promise to tell him how he could run faster.

I leaned over the boy with my mouth close to his right ear and, in hushed tones, told him the secret: "You have your shoes on the wrong feet!"

Within seconds, disappointment and sadness returned to his face. "Whats wrong?" I asked.

In a dejected voice that I'll never forget, he answered, "But these are the only feet I have!"

-Gary E. Heyamoto, DDS, FAGD

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Smile Today

A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. ~Charles Gordy

Monday, August 10, 2009

MMM- the best chocolate chip cookies EVER!

Ok, I will let it out, my secret chocolate chip cookie recipe. Everyone loves them because they are delicious!!


1 lb. butter

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 cups brown sugar firmly packed

3 eggs

6 cups flour

1 Tablespoon vanilla

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

1 bag semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 bag milk-chocolate chocolate chips

1. mix butter, eggs, vanilla

2. mix sugars in a separate bowl, and add to butter +

3. combine dry ingredients, and add to above

4. add in chocolate chips

Bake for 9-11 minutes on 350 degrees. Enjoy... summer is almost over!