Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tooth Pull...

Everyone hears the same old story of pulling out loose teeth with a string tied to a doorknob... has anyone tried that, does it really work? We find most people have their own "special" way of pulling loose teeth, usually this is passed on from generation to generation. What is your method??

My nephew had his first loose tooth a few weeks ago, I looked at the tooth and it was VERY loose. So, of course I told my sister she should just get it out. Being his first loose tooth he was very nervous about pulling it out. We tried to think of a plan to trick him into showing us the tooth again so we could just quickly yank it. Of course he caught on to our scheming right away. We first tried to find some pliers, as that was the method of our father. I tried telling my nephew it wouldn't hurt and it would be over faster than he could imagine. But the more he thought about it the more scared he got. Then we remembered how our great-grandma did it, a wet wash-cloth. My sister went to get the wet wash-cloth, and her son tried to get away. He was torn because he wanted it out so bad, but he was so scared.

The chase was on, she chased him around the room, he was screaming and laughing at the same time, finally she got him and had to pin him down. Again, he was screaming for fright, but then would laugh because he knew it was funny. She finally got the tooth out and boy was he happy about it. The rest of the day he kept showing off the space in his mouth.

We all, nephew included, got a good laugh out of the whole thing. We couldn't stop laughing because he was screaming so loud, but would then laugh- the terror of the unknown, but the want to be "old" and lose your first tooth.

The wash-cloth was the trick, what tricks do you have???

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