Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Salt Lake Smile Design! We hope you have a wonderful holiday season!!

"Christmas is forever, not for just one day, for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf. The good you do for others is good you do yourself." ~Norman Wesley Brooks

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Eve was a night of song that wrapped itself about you like a shawl. But it warmed more than your body. It warmed your heart… filled it, too, with a melody that would last forever.- Bess Streeter Aldrich

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

All men have a sweetness in their life. That is what helps them go on. It is towards that they turn when they feel too worn out.-Albert Camus

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

More Than A Day
As Thanksgiving Day rolls around,

It brings up some facts, quite profound.

We may think that we're poor,

Feel like bums, insecure,

But in truth, our riches astound.

We have friends and family we love;

We have guidance from heaven above.

We have so much more

Than they sell in a store,

We're wealthy, when push comes to shove.
So add up your blessings,

I say;Make Thanksgiving last more than a day.

Enjoy what you've got;Realize it's a lot,

And you'll make all your cares go away.

By Karl Fuchs

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

“Be aware of what you have in hand rather than to be for what you don’t. Everyone will be grateful to what you have.” —Kurt Avish

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"Try not to become a man of success but a man of value."

Albert Einstein

(photo from

Friday, November 13, 2009

Dance as though no one is watching you; love as though you have never been hurt before, sing as though no one can hear you, live as though heaven is on earth.

-Alfre Souza

(photo by deborah paauwe)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Diet and Your Dental Health

Diet and Dental Health

Doesn't it seem obvious that your diet would effect your dental health? Of course it does, then why do so many of us ignore this litle tid-bit of information? Well, ignore no more!

First the obvious is to cut down on sugars, the not-so-obvious is where to cut the sugars down from. Typically we think of candy and sweets, but here are a few other items to cut back on.

1.All sugars (including honey)
2. Soft drinks and lemonades
3. Nearly all cereals
4. Cakes, biscuits, and puddings
5. Jam on your bread, marmalade on your toast
6. Chocolates, sweets, and toffees
7. Peppermint sweets

Try replacing these items with fruits and vegetables, you will get the same "sweet" taste without the sugar.

As always, smile everyday!

Thanks for being a valued patient! "salt lake smile design"
(photo by Ann Marie Whittaker

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day, a humble day full of gratitude for my family, and I am sure for your family too. My grandfather served in WWII, he has many horrible memories, memories he will not share. But when I asked him why he did it he said, "for the family, to preserve the country and the family unit." This was not the answer I expected, I expected something more along the lines that he had to, that the country forced him to. But, I was wrong, he and the men he served with and knew did it out of love for their families and country.

I can not imagine going through what these men and women went through, it is inconceivable. To look at the photos he brought home is hard enough let alone having to see it first hand, in reality. My grandpa was one of the few men that could drive, so he was in charge of driving one of the jeeps, mostly driving the commanders around. One of the problems with this job was that the roads would have hidden wires strung across them, you could not see the wires while driving (as intended) and you could easily run into them, decapitating the passengers. After awhile the jeeps were outfitted with wire-cutters near the windshield to help save lives.

While grandpa was away at war grandma stayed home to raise the new baby, the women had to pull together and become a team. My grandma lived with her mom and sister. Her mom would spend the day out helping the sick and weary, her sister went to work every day for money for living expenses and grandma stayed home to take care of the home and babies. They lost a brother and many others during the war, but they were grateful their husbands made it home safely.

One of our favorite stories, one that my grandpa loves to tell is one day while in Germany, he was walking down the street and saw a figure that seemed familiar, he kept looking while walking closer to this gentleman, the gentleman was doing the same. After a few seconds he realized it was his brother! They saw each other and ran towards each other and embraced (just like a movie) neither one of them knew where the other was serving... what are the chances, and what a great reunion that day!

A humble thank you to all of you who have served our country, we love you!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Be Kind

Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up. ~Jesse Jackson

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Easy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

This recipe is so easy, whip it up for a yummy treat this fall, your family will smile for sure!

1 (18 1/4 ounce) box spice cake mix
1 (15 ounce) can solid-pack pumpkin (the small can)
1 bag semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 cup cream cheese frosting (optional)

1 Preheat oven to 350°F.

2 Spray cookie sheets lightly with vegetable spray.

3 In a large bowl, mix together the cake mix and pumpkin with a fork or mixer until well blended; stir in chocolate chips.

4 Drop by large rounded spoonfuls onto the cookie sheet; they don't flatten out much so however you place them on the sheet is pretty much how they'll look after baking.

5 Bake for 8 to 15 minutes, depending on the size of your cookies.

6 Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for up to 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.

7 Frost, if desired.

8 How many cookies you get depends on how large you make them of course - just increase your baking time if making larger cookies (it's truly difficult to burn these, but they will get crispier & less moist); Mine, made with a medium size cookie scoop, take 13-15 minutes to bake and yield about 3 dozen.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. ~Irish Proverb

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Fun

You are invited for some Halloween fun at Salt Lake Smile Design! Join us this Friday, October 30th for cookies and cider. Of course we will be in costume, so come in yours if you wish. See you Friday between 7am and 3pm... BOO!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ~Mother Teresa

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Only Kindness Matters

I have a favorite song I heard years ago, I love one of the lines from this song, it is a phrase that I often repeat in my head daily and try to live by; "Only Kindness Matters." Isn't that the best motto to live by? Imagine if everyone lived and believed this, we would all walk around with smiles all day long!

I recently was the recipient of someone treating me this way, kind. It was someone very dear to me, someone very special to me. It was my 5 year old niece. She is kind to everyone, always thinking of others and making sure everyone around her is happy. A couple of weekends ago, a sad weekend for me, I went to visit her and her brothers, I knew the kids could could cheer me up. I had a beloved stuffed animal I knew she loved. Every time she would visit me she would want to look at it and hold it. I wanted to give it to her this weekend, so I brought it with me on my visit. When I got to her house I took her in her room and gave it to her (didn't want to make the brothers jealous- I didn't bring them anything.) She knew I loved this stuffed animal as she had asked for it before but, I couldn't give it to her then. Also, my oldest sister knew she loved mine and got her a similar, but different stuffed animal she could have of her own.

When I gave my stuffed animal to my niece, she was so excited, and a little confused because she knew how much I loved it. She smiled and happily said, "thank you." Then she got a sparkle in her eye and a big smile, and said, "I know... since you gave me yours and you don't have one anymore, I could give you mine so you could take that one home so you can have one too!" Oh, this melted my heart, she wanted to give me her beloved stuffed animal so I would have one too. Of course I told her that was so nice of her to offer, but that I thought it would be best for her to keep both stuffed animals at her house, and I could see them when I came to visit. Next she asked if I wanted to see her stuffed animal (this is where the story gets even better.) She took me over to her bed, reached under the neatly made blankets and pulled her stuffed animal out. I couldn't believe it! She had just offered me her favorite stuffed animal, the one she sleeps with every night, just to make sure I would have something to make me happy at my house! My heart melted again at the kindness of this little girls heart.

In my opinion, kids are the best teachers, they are also the fastest way to a smile. Remember to be like children more often, and remember, only kindness matters.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Vampier Teeth for Halloween

Call us today to get your custom Halloween vampire fangs! 801.262.6811

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happiness Is a Choice

Another good one from the book, "Chicken Soup for the Dental Soul."

Happiness Is a Choice

"A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes."
- Hugh Downs

Sometimes we learn more from our patients than we teach. For me, that patient was Sue. Every morning, my staff and I go through the patient list for the day. We discuss treatment preparation, supplies needed, and pertinent information for each patient. One day while looking through the schedule, Nancy, my office manager, noted that Sue Spandler was coming in. "Everyone be extra nice to Sue today," Nancy said. "She's going through a rough time. Her husband, Bill, has advanced rheumatoid arthritis and it has begun to affect his lungs."

"I didn't know that arthritis could affect your lungs," piped in Ellen, my assistant.

"Yes," I answered. "The lungs need flexibility to expand and contract so that air can flow in and out. As the arthritis progresses, the flexibility is lost. The lungs can't fill with oxygen or squeeze out the carbon dioxide."

"Oh, she must be so scared," said Ellen.

"Not just scared," said Nancy; "the poor woman must be exhausted. Bill can't stay in one position for more than a few hours without pain and stiffness. Sue has to get up several times each night to wake him and help him move around. She hasn't had a full night's sleep in months."

We all decided to spend a few extra minutes with Sue that day trying to make her comfortable and offer kind words. It is our custom to give a fresh flower to each patient as they leave. Since Sue's appointment was late in the day, we decided to give her not just one flower, but all the flowers left from the bouquet. We just wanted to do something to brighten her day.

Late in the afternoon as I looked at my schedule, I realized that Sue was me next patient. I took a deep breath and tried to steel myself for what I might find. What I expected was a woman with the joy of life sucked out of her... dark circles under her eyes... little care for makeup or fancy clothes. I expected the drooped posture of a person worn down by exhaustion and sadness. Imagine my surprise as I entered the oporatory to find a perky, energetic woman with a broad smile on her face. She had a funky new hairstyle, bright eyes, and rosy cheeks. She wore a royal blue jacket over a crisp white blouse. Puffed around her neck was a silk scarf splashed with every color in the rainbow.

"Oh excuse me," I mumbled as I hastily exited the room. Finding Ellen, I asked, "What happened to Sue? Did she cancel? Why wasn't the schedule updated? Who is in room 3? Where's the new chart?"

"That is Sue, Doctor," Ellen laughed. "Go talk to her. You'll be surprised."

Confused, I walked back into the room. "Sue?" I asked, "How are you? You look wonderful."

"Hi Doctor Teri," Sue replied, "I am excellent. Bill and I just got back from a trip to Florida. We went to Disney World and had a blast. We put a Goofy hat on his oxygen tank, stuck it in a stroller, and wheeled that thing around like proud parents! You should have seen Bill screaming through his oxygen mask as we rode down Splash Mountain. I never laughed so hard in my life. When he couldn't walk, I pushed him in a wheelchair. With the wheelchair, we were able to get to the front of every line. It was great!

"It sounds like Bill is doing much better. That's wonderful."

He's really not," Sue replied. "His arthritis gets worse each day. I don't know how much time he has left, but then, none of really knows, do we."

"Oh Sue, I'm so sorry. This must be absolutely awful for you."

"Awful?" she said confused. "I've never been happier in my life. Every morning when I open my eyes I see the man I love next to me. I get to spend the entire day with him- something we never got to do when we were both working or the children were small. When I lie down at night with my hand resting in his, my husband's beautiful face is the last thing I see before I close my eyes. Why be sad that he's dying? I chose to be happy he's alive."

We gave Sue the flowers when she left, all of us suddenly counting our blessings. "Life is a lot like these flowers, you know," Sue said "Now is the time to enjoy the bloom! There'll be plenty of time later to lament the withering."

-Teri Steinbreg, DDS

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"The world always looks brighter from behind a smile."

~Author Unknown

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Maximize Your Dental Insurance

Are you utilizing your dental insurance this year? If you are wondering what that means then most likely you are not maximizing your benefits. There are a lot of Americans without dental insurance, so if you are one of the lucky ones who has it, use it! To make sure you are utilizing your benefits and not throwing money down the drain follow these 6 steps.

1. Call Your Insurance Company.
Call your insurance company and gather information. Find out how often you can get your teeth cleaned, is it twice a year, or every six months? How often can you get x-rays?
2. Know your yearly maximum.
Most dental insurance plans have a yearly maximum per person. For example you may have a $1,000 maximum and your spouse also may have a maximum of $1,000 separate to their services. A yearly maximum is the maximum dollar amount that your dental insurance will pay each year, so if your maximum is $1,000- they will not pay one dollar more. Any dollars that you do not use for that year are lost when the New Year re-calculates. If you need treatment make sure you get it done while you have the dollars to use, otherwise the money is lost.
3. What have you used this year?
Calculate how much the insurance company has paid out so far this year, this will show you how much you have left to use. If you are not sure how much you have used you can call your insurance company and they will tell you. For example if you have used $400 so far, and your maximum is $1,000, you have $600 left to use before the New Year.
4 .Coordinate Your Treatment
Call our office and let us help you coordinate your treatment to allow for you to use your insurance dollars now before they are lost. By letting us know how much you have available we can help you schedule treatment properly and efficiently.
5. Know When Your Year Renews
Some insurance plans will renew in January, and some renew in July. This is when your maximum is recalculated.
6. Use It.
Prevention is key, so make sure you are seeing the dentist every six months, most plans cover this as a basic to the plan. Insurance companies know that by allowing you to see the dentist every six months for regular cleanings and check-ups, they are saving money by preventing more expensive work by keeping your mouth healthy now.

Finally, make sure you utilize one of your best assets with your dental insurance, US! We are more than happy to do what we can to make sure you are using your insurance dollars. If you have any questions or would like any assistance with any of these steps, please call us, 801.262.6811.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Smile Poem

Smiling is infectious,

You can catch it like the flu.

Someone smiled at me today,

And I started smiling too.

~Author Unknown

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dental Care

Did you know that seeing your dentist every six months for routine cleanings and exams can save you thousands of dollars in the future? Not to mention keeping your mouth free of pain!

Prevention is the key to keeping dental costs down. Make sure you and your family see your dentist at least twice a year. Younger children should start seeing the dentist as young as 2-3 years old. Even if it is just for a ride in the chair, this helps them feel comfortable at the dentist and allows for a more pleasant experience.

For a great article on keeping your dental costs down with or without insurance click this link...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

To kiss or not to kiss?

Ok ladies & gentlemen, we need your feedback. We recently had a patient who came in with a dental question of sorts. She wanted our feedback and we want yours. She started to tell us of her new boyfriend & how nice he was, and that she really did like him. But, there is one problem, his teeth are in bad condition & not very nice, in her words, "those lips are not going to touch mine!" She wondered what she could do to get him to come to a good dentist like Dr. Barnhisel without saying outright, "your teeth are gross, and I won't kiss you!" We suggested that she just say, "hey, you should go see my dentist, Dr. Barnhisel, he is great!" She said she did try this and he told her he has been seeing his dentist forever, and didn't need to change.

Ahhh, now what do you do? She wondered if breaking up with him would be too vain, since he was nice and treated her nice... she really likes everything but his mouth. So, can you help? What can she say in a tactful way to get her boyfriend to see the light, to realize there are good dentists and not so good dentists???

Make a comment or email us... come on, help a girl out.
you can also comment on facebook "salt lake smile design"

Monday, September 14, 2009

Snoring... bad for your relationship & health?!

Do you snore? Do you know someone who snores? If so, listen up... the Mayo Clinic staff says, "Habitual snoring may be more than just a nuisance and a cause of daytime sleepiness. Untreated, persistent snoring caused by obstructive sleep apnea may raise your lifetime risk of developing such health problems as high blood pressure, heart failure and stroke."

Snoring according to is more common than we may think, "Just about everyone snores occasionally. Even a baby or a beloved pet may snore! But snoring can affect the quantity and quality of your sleep. Poor sleep can lead to daytime fatigue, irritability and increased health problems. And, if your snoring is so loud that your bed partner can't sleep, you may end up banished from the bedroom.
Sleeping in separate bedrooms doesn’t have to be the remedy for your snoring. In fact, there are many effective treatments for snoring. Discovering the cause of your snoring and finding the right cure will vastly improve your health, your relationships, and, of course, your sleep."

At Salt Lake Smile Design we offer custom snore-guards to help the snoring stop. Call today for an appointment to get your custom guard. 801-262-6811.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Friday

Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.

-John Ray

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A smile is the best pay-day!

Make sure you smile today, smile at someone you love and adore. We recently added a younger patient to our practice. This patient wanted a "smile design." His teeth really bothered him, and made him feel very self-conscious. This was very clear the first few times we met with him, he always looked at the ground, hardly said a word, and never smiled.

We first met him for a consultation, next we took impressions, the next visit Dr. Barnhisel prepped him for the crowns and he left with his temporary crowns in. The next visit was the best... (he smiled!) he arrived and did laser teeth whitening. This was our favorite appointment, he came in with a smile and left with a smile, you know... the kind of smile when your eyes smile too?! Yes, that kind of smile, as he was leaving he looked at us with a huge smile, eyes and all. What a great pay-day, even with just the temporaries in he was thrilled with his new look. We can't wait for Dr. Barnhisel to put the permanent crowns on, can't wait to see the smile our patient will have that day! That will be a great pay-day for the whole office!

Thanks for the beautiful smile, there is nothing better than knowing you helped give someone a truly happy smile!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Smile Today

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

-Phyllis Diller

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gentlemen Make Us Smile

Driving home from the office yesterday I saw something that made my heart smile, it was a little something, but it made a big impact on my day. As most of you, my days are busy, rushing from work to the gym, home to make dinner, clean the kitchen, do the laundry, family time, clean up a little bit, bedtime... ready to do it all over again in the morning. In the middle of the rush, I was so happy to see something good, something to make my heart flutter and breathe.

Driving down the street I was approaching two cyclists. As I got closer I noticed it was a man and a woman. Trying to give them space on the shoulder I began to swerve over into the other lane, just as I passed them I noticed the man was riding right behind the woman.. let's say she is his wife :). Not only was he right behind her, but he was also 1-2 feet into my lane. As I passed them I noticed he kept his position, right behind her, jutting out just a bit. I kept looking back in my rear view mirror... he kept his position as long as I could see.

What I realized was that he was riding right behind her, jutting out to protect her. I am sure we all know a cyclist who has been hit by a car... the roads are tight out there. It made my heart smile to see his manly instincts take over, and protect her from potential danger. He was being a gentleman.

Guys, chivalry is not dead. Yes, time have changed a lot. Women don't need men to get along these days. But it is sure nice to know there are men out there who aren't afraid of being a man. Thanks to all the men who open doors, walk on the correct side of their woman, open tight lids, carry heavy boxes, and just be gentlemen. You make us smile!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Funny Story!

Another good story found in "Chicken Soup for the Soul."

The Secret

As a student in dental school, it often seemed to me the main focus was on fulfilling requirements necessary for graduation. We had to complete a certain number of bridges, crowns, root canals, amalgams, composites, dentures, etc. to qualify. One of the requirements was to complete restorations on children in the pediatric clinic. For me, it was hard enough to satisfactorily complete a filling on an adult, let alone a squirmy child.

One particular afternoon, I had to complete a filling on a rather rambunctious six-year-old. I'd worked on him before and had acheived marginal success in gaining his cooperation. It goes without saying that I was probably more apprehensive than he was about his appointment.

I was surprised when I went to the waiting area to find a sedate, almost depressed, young man. As I sat him in the dental chair , I inquired as to why he was so sad. He informed me he had lost a footrace at school- to a GIRL! While I comforted him on his courages attempt to race- and not to mention the fact that he had lost- I noticed he had his left shoe on his right foot and his right shoe on his left foot. Not to pass up an opportunity, I promised to tell him a "secret" at the end of the appointment on how he could run faster if we finished the filling without a lot of fuss. Anticipating some miraculous words of advice, he promised to cooperate.

We must have finished in record time. The boy was a perfect oatient and I was delighted at what we were able to accomplish. Glowing in my performance, I temorarily forgot about the "secret." My patient, however was not about to forget. Eyes full of hope, he reminded me of my promise to tell him how he could run faster.

I leaned over the boy with my mouth close to his right ear and, in hushed tones, told him the secret: "You have your shoes on the wrong feet!"

Within seconds, disappointment and sadness returned to his face. "Whats wrong?" I asked.

In a dejected voice that I'll never forget, he answered, "But these are the only feet I have!"

-Gary E. Heyamoto, DDS, FAGD

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Smile Today

A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. ~Charles Gordy

Monday, August 10, 2009

MMM- the best chocolate chip cookies EVER!

Ok, I will let it out, my secret chocolate chip cookie recipe. Everyone loves them because they are delicious!!


1 lb. butter

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 cups brown sugar firmly packed

3 eggs

6 cups flour

1 Tablespoon vanilla

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

1 bag semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 bag milk-chocolate chocolate chips

1. mix butter, eggs, vanilla

2. mix sugars in a separate bowl, and add to butter +

3. combine dry ingredients, and add to above

4. add in chocolate chips

Bake for 9-11 minutes on 350 degrees. Enjoy... summer is almost over!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Hilarious! I hust found this on my computer, not sure where it came from- but it sure made me smile... It will make you smile too!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"I Saw the Tooth Fairy"

This is a great story taken from, "Chicken Soup for the Dental Soul."

I Saw the Tooth Fairy

Every child loves to share the loss of a first tooth with anybody who will listen- especially a dental hygienist who helps care for those teeth.

A little girl was having her teeth cleaned in my dental chair one day while her mother sat and watched. I was excited to see that my patient had lost her first tooth; it gave me a fun thing to talk about during the appointment.

I asked if the Tooth Fairy had come to visit after she lost her tooth. "Yes," my patient said, and told me she got a dollar since it was her first tooth. I made a big deal out of the dollar, but she interrupted to say there was more. "I know what the Tooth Fairy looks like," she announced in a very secretive voice.

Now I've worked with kids for years; they never talk about what the Tooth Fairy looks like, they mainly talk about what the Tooth Fairy leaves them- money. So I was curious as to what the little girl was going to say. "Tell me what the Tooth Fairy looks like," I asked.

She appeared to be eager to tell me but said she could only whisper the answer. I leaned over and put my ear close to he mouth while she breathlessly shared her secret.

"The Tooth Fairy looks kinda like my mommy- only naked!"

-Deborah Goldberg Polay, RDH

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tooth Pull...

Everyone hears the same old story of pulling out loose teeth with a string tied to a doorknob... has anyone tried that, does it really work? We find most people have their own "special" way of pulling loose teeth, usually this is passed on from generation to generation. What is your method??

My nephew had his first loose tooth a few weeks ago, I looked at the tooth and it was VERY loose. So, of course I told my sister she should just get it out. Being his first loose tooth he was very nervous about pulling it out. We tried to think of a plan to trick him into showing us the tooth again so we could just quickly yank it. Of course he caught on to our scheming right away. We first tried to find some pliers, as that was the method of our father. I tried telling my nephew it wouldn't hurt and it would be over faster than he could imagine. But the more he thought about it the more scared he got. Then we remembered how our great-grandma did it, a wet wash-cloth. My sister went to get the wet wash-cloth, and her son tried to get away. He was torn because he wanted it out so bad, but he was so scared.

The chase was on, she chased him around the room, he was screaming and laughing at the same time, finally she got him and had to pin him down. Again, he was screaming for fright, but then would laugh because he knew it was funny. She finally got the tooth out and boy was he happy about it. The rest of the day he kept showing off the space in his mouth.

We all, nephew included, got a good laugh out of the whole thing. We couldn't stop laughing because he was screaming so loud, but would then laugh- the terror of the unknown, but the want to be "old" and lose your first tooth.

The wash-cloth was the trick, what tricks do you have???

Friday, July 10, 2009

Family Fun at Lavender Days!

If you are looking for something fun to make you smile this weekend, head on down to Lavender Days at Young Living Farms. The Lavender fields are beautiful! There is nothing like it!

They also have a 5k, booths with fun things to buy, food, a fairy tea party, a jousting event, and much, much more. Bring lots of water to stay refreshed... oh, and don't forget to buy some lavender honey while you are there!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Brush Your Teeth

Have you ever wondered if you are brushing your teeth the right way? Have you ever wondered if your kids are brushing their teeth the right way? Well, here you go. First make sure you are brushing at least twice a day, and use a soft toothbrush. The soft bristles are easier on your gums, and make it easier to remove the plaque below the gum line. Look for a toothpaste with fluoride. Fluoride helps hardens the outer enamel layer of the teeth. It might stop a cavity in its tracks and give you more resistance to future cavities.

Angle the bristles of the brush along the gum line at a 45-degree angle. Apply firm but gentle pressure so the bristles slide under the gum line.Move the brush over the entire surface of two or three teeth at a time in small, circular motions. Allow some overlap as you move to the next teeth. Tilt the brush and use the tip to brush the backs of the front teeth.It's fine to brush in any regular pattern you choose, but since the insides of the teeth tend to get less attention, you might start with the insides of the upper teeth, then go to the insides of the lower teeth. Switch to the outsides of the upper teeth, and then the outsides of the lower teeth. Brush the chewing surfaces of the upper teeth, then the lower teeth. End by gently brushing your tongue and the roof of your mouth. This removes germs to help keep your breath fresh.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Murray Fun Days

If you are staying in town for the holiday weekend why not have an all-American weekend? Murray fun days is the perfect 4th of July celebration. It starts with a 5k, followed by the best part- the parade! There is a lot to do in the morning and afternoon, for the full schedule go to this link;

Happy Independence Day!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What is a smile design?

The goal for every smile design is to create a beautiful smile! This is done by analyzing every aspect of your smile, then correcting any problems.

-Straight teeth.
-Teeth are evenly spaced with no gaps.
-Teeth are white, without stains.
-The top teeth show when you smile, but not the gums.
-The gum line is smooth.
-The edges of the top teeth smoothly follow the curve of the lower lip.

There are cosmetic procedures to make any of these corrections, so even if you weren't born with a beautiful smile, you can still have one!

Visit our website to learn more about our smile designs, doctor , and ceramist; You can also view before and after pictures of our patients on the site.
Call today to schedule your free smile design consultation with Dr. Barnhisel, 801-262-6811.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Smile Today

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Father's Day

What a great day.. we get to celebrate the wonderful men in our lives! A special, "Happy Father's Day" to all the fathers, fathers-to-be, grandfathers, husbands, uncles, brothers.. did I miss anyone?? You are the best, the world would not be the same without your caring, protecting, supporting, providing, and love. Is there anything better than a hug from a strong, whiskery, caring man?

It's been said time and time again that the way to a man's heart is through his tummy, so why not try it this Father's Day. Bake something yummy for your father. One of my dad's favorite foods is strawberry-rhubarb pie. Try it on your dad- bake away...

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Pie Crust (makes top and bottom)
2 cups flour
1 t. salt
1 cup shortening
1/4 cold water

Sift the flour and salt together. Next cut in the shortening, then add the cold water. Mix all together. Separate the dough in 1/2, use one half for the bottom and one half for the top. Roll out flat. Place bottom half in pie pan.

1 cup sliced strawberries
4 cups rhubarb cut in 1/4 inch pieces
1 1/4 cups sugar
4 T salt
2 T butter

Mix together strawberries, rhubarb, sugar, and salt. Place in pie crust. Dot the filling with the butter, and sprinkle lightly with cinnamon.

Next place the top crust over the filling, cut slits for ventilation. Brush top crust with milk and sprinkle with sugar.

Bake for 10 minutes at 425 degrees. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake for 30-40 minutes.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Whiten your teeth... Special Promotion!

Just in time for Father's day... Special summer promotion, 20% off Zoom Laser teeth whitening! This offer is available through August 31, 2009, so call us today before it's too late.

Zoom treatment includes:
-Zoom! Chairside Whitening
-Custom-fitted trays
-Take-home touch-up kit

Call today at 801.262.6811, your smile will thank you!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Are your dental habits worth mirroring?

Have you ever heard that people who live together for a long time start to resemble each other? Yes, I am sure you have heard that and also seen couples who do, in fact resemble each other. But, did you know a recent study by the University of California, San Fransisco, School of Dentistry and the University of North Carolina shows that long-term couples also have similar oral hygiene habits.

The study showed that individuals who neglect their teeth are 32 times more likely to live with someone who also has poor dental habits. On the flip side, those who take good care of their teeth are 5.4 times more likely to share these positive dental habits with their partner.

So, which are you? Do you have good dental habits, and are they rubbing off onto your partner, or is it the opposite? Do you floss daily? Do you brush at least twice a day for two minutes each time- and definitely before bed time? Do you see a dentist twice a year for an exam and a professional cleaning?

If you don't, you should- because your oral health affects your overall health, it's well worth the small amount of effort to consciously improve your oral hygiene habits. And in doing so, you could also help improve the oral health of your partner. Call today to schedule your exam and cleaning, 801-262-6811, your smile and your partner will thank you!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

School's out for summer!

Hooray... school is out for summer! Doesn't that make you smile? Kids and summer are the perfect match for any smile. Wasn't summer made for kids? Baseball, swimming, water-guns, water-balloons, bikes, exploring... the activities are endless.

Even with an endless list of activities to make you and your kids smile, it seems the kids always say they are bored. Here is a fun and easy game to make you and your kids smile anywhere...

Measure your smiles

Have a fun competition and measure whose smile is the widest. Have the kids tally up every eighth of an inch and don't forget your camera. You are sure to have many photos to make you smile for years to come!

Let us know what you are doing to make you smile this summer, email us at

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Something made me smile...

Something made me smile yesterday, something I am sure will make you smile too. Right around Mother's day we received a heart felt email from a young 15 year old boy;


I am 15 years old, 2nd of 4 kids and live in Salt Lake.5 years ago my Dad left my family, traded in 4 kids and a wife for one woman. for a year i dint know where he was and what he was doing, i haven't actually seen him since the day he ditched. He left in the worst way possible. He ditched my mom with no education,a foreigner, no work permit and with 4 little kids. Inevitably a lost case to pure poverty. Right then and there my mom had the choice to give and walk out just like my dad. Take the "easy way out" you could say... but she didnt.... shes been raising a family for almost 5 and a half years now. shes been the greatest influence. Wanting her kids to succeed and be people in this big world with strong morals and always looking to help others. shes done so much working as much as she can just trying to get by while putting me and my sybllings first at the sametime tho i know she wishes she could spend every minute with us. Shes been doing the best she can always takeing care of us and looking for our best intersets trying to squeeze a dollar out of a dime and she doesnt even have a cent, she never thinks of herself... never putting herself on the list to be takeing care of.

to me my mom is the superman in a comic book. The hero in every little boys dream. the one i look up to for inspiration when i feel like giving up.....

My mom was born with a defect where at birth her teeth were stained yellow. im not quite sure what its called. She also has lots of problems with her teeth in general because of the financial staus were in. I dont remeber when was the last time she went to the dentist.. It has been a life long dream shes had to have a pretty smile and all i want is to make her happy because shes has so much love for our family. I know that if her teeth were nice she would live smiling and as a son theres nothing more i want then that.. Eevry time i would see it, it would remind me that kidness is the key to living life. So please please help me not only because mothers day is comin up but beacuse you could make a single mom who has had every trial thrown at her.... finally have her life long dream come true.

thank you for your time. sincerely,xxxxx"

I smiled knowing teenage boys care about their moms.

I smiled knowing teenage boys are gentlemen.

I smiled knowing a single mom would start her first job at 7am and the second at 11pm.

I smiled knowing a single mom raises beautiful, near perfect children.

I smiled knowing a single mom did not want a hand out, and insisted on making payments.

I smiled knowing we all need each other.

I smiled knowing my heart would be touched forever.

Thanks for designing my smile!

What made you smile? email us at

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Why you will love Salt Lake Smile Design...

Oral Sedation
After extensive training, Dr. Barnhisel offers Oral Sedation, a way to have dental treatment without fear or anxiety. Medications can now provide patients with confidence and peace-of-mind to experience dental procedures in a whole new way. Hours pass like minutes allowing more dentistry to be performed in a single visit.

Maximize your insurance
Along with maximizing your insurance benefits we also offer Care Credit which allows you to get the dental care you want when you’re ready. Care Credit offers a variety of low monthly plans. Visit

Competence and Skill
Our Doctors and Staff take their profession seriously and update their skills regularly. Dr. Barnhisel is very good at what he does. The majority of our new patients are by referral which speaks for itself. We often hear new patients leaving with a sigh of relief and ease.

We’re committed to providing you the quality of care we would want for ourselves and family. Thousands of hours have been spent by our Staff in an effort to meet all of our expectations.

Friendy and Gentle
One of the key ingredients to a successful office is establishing an atmosphere of light-hearted and friendly communication. It’s much easier to talk about policies and treatment when everyone is relaxed. Each Staff member has been chosen for their professional as well as their great people skills. We enjoy working in a fun and stress free environment. Dentistry for many can be very stressful. We’re aware of this and make every effort to support our patients. Oral Sedation is now possible for those who desire it. When used, the time passes quickly and often any remembrance of the procedure is forgotten.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Lemonade Pie

Memorial Day weekend is officially here. Memorial Day a legal holiday, honor's the nation’s armed services personnel killed in wartime. The holiday was originally called Decoration Day because it is a time for decorating graves with flowers and flags. Over time, the designation Memorial Day became far more common.

Make sure to take some time this weekend to be grateful for those who have lost their lives for our country. To read more about the history and origins of Memorial Day click on this link

This is also the holiday most Americans use to welcome summertime, family, and barbeque's. We wanted to share a favorite summer recipe to put a smile on your face. This easy pie recipe is sure to be a hit at your family gathering...

Lemonade Pie

1 can of frozen lemonade concentrate
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
1 container of Cool Whip
1 graham cracker pie crust

Chill the condensed milk for at least one hour in the refrigerator. Slightly thaw lemonade to a slush. Fold (do not whip) lemonade, condensed milk, and cool whip. Pour into crust and freeze overnight.

For options you can replace the lemonade concentrate with your favorite concentrate... raspberry lemonade, fruit punch, apple juice, etc.